
NGO Says Legal Abortion in Brazil Would Be Life Saver to Poor Women

NGO Says Legal Abortion in Brazil Would Be Life Saver to Poor Women

Written by Cristiane Ribeiro
Friday, 30 September 2005

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Most of the women who suffer complications or die in Brazil due to botched abortions are poor, black, and uneducated. These data come from a study that is being done by the non-governmental organization Citizens' Human Rights Advocacy. The information was presented during a debate held Wednesday, September 28, in Rio de Janeiro to commemorate the Day for the Decriminalization of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean. The executive director of the NGO, Gleyde Selma da Hora, points out that these results confirm that women from lower social classes are the ones who suffer most from abortions, while women from economically more privileged classes have access to safer means. "Poor women who undergo abortions already have an average of three children and maintain that they are unable to guarantee a decent life for an additional child; others claim they cannot count on their partners to share the responsibility; and there are also some who say that the condom ripped and the pregnancy was unwanted," da Hora observed.The participants in the debate are hoping for the legislature to approve a law that will allow pregnancies to be interrupted. At present, the National Congress is considering around 35 bills dealing with the legalization of abortion or the continuation of its prohibition. A file prepared by the Feminist Health Network indicates that approximately one million women submit to abortions in Brazil each year. This figure is based on the number of women who show up at public hospitals for post-abortion curettages. The file also suggests that abortions are the fourth largest cause of maternal deaths in the country and that, between 1999 and 2002, there were over two thousand female fatalities in public hospitals as a result of abortion-related complications.

Ribeiro , Cristiane . "NGO Says Legal Abortion in Brazil Would Be Life Saver to Poor Women ." NGO Says Legal Abortion in Brazil Would Be Life Saver to Poor Women . Friday, 30 September 2005 . 31 May 2007 .



As Rina says in the previous article, people who get an abortion have individual reasons. I agree with the opinion that in some cases, abortion should be approved.
But think about the baby. We must respect a life which has just started to beat in mother's womb.
Some young people just think like "when you got pregnant, then you can abort baby, and that's it."
Isn't it too cruel and ethically wrong?
If your condition is not good to raise baby at that moment, then you have to be very careful about contraception. Otherwise a life would be just wasted. Although there are some reasons to have abortion, people should not disvalue fetus' life.
You also have to know that abortion is dangerous to women's body.

To know detailed information about fetus and pregnancy.




Abortion should be approved because there are people that have abortion and terminate the fetus. Such reasons could be such as the issues of perceived immaturity, financial stabikity, and because of the health problems.
These days there are some kdis that do not get any education about having a child, which results in having a baby. Even though they are given a new life, they still have not got to the age that they are ready to raise a child. If the under-aged mother with no education raise a child, then the child that was raised would also be an uneducated child which ends up doing the same thing.
Also there are people that habe to terminate the fetus because of an economical problem. Eben though the mother and the father loved each other and was given a child, if the two didn't have enough savings to bear and raise a child, then they will have to terminate the child. There is a fact that people not only terminate their child that they made, but don't have enough financial savings.
The last opinion is that some people have abortion because of their health problems. If the mother's body is not healthy enough, it is dangerous for her to bear a child, even though they have enough financilal savings.
As a conclusion, I think abortion should be approved because there are many reasons people have.

♥ rina

let them live

The reason i chose this topic★

I chose this topic because i heard a story about a girl who got pregnant and aborted her baby. It made me think about this topic "abortion" seriously.

what's your reason??

abortion message

By gestational age and method

Abortion rates also vary depending on the stage of pregnancy and the method practiced. In 2003, from data collected in those areas of the United States that sufficiently reported gestational age, it was found that 88.2% of abortions were conducted at or prior to 12 weeks, 10.4% from 13 to 20 weeks, and 1.4% at or after 21 weeks. 90.9% of these were classified as having been done by "curettage" (suction-aspiration, D&C, D&E), 7.7% by "medical" means (mifepristone), 0.4% by "intrauterine instillation" (saline or prostaglandin), and 1.0% by "other" (including hysterotomy and hysterectomy).[3] The Guttmacher Institute estimated there were 2,200 intact dilation and extraction procedures in the U.S. during 2000; this accounts for 0.17% of the total number of abortions performed that year.[4] Similarly, in England and Wales in 2005, 90% of terminations occurred at or under 12 weeks, 9% between 13 to 19 weeks, and 1% at or over 20 weeks. 71% of those reported were by vacuum aspiration, 5% by D&E, and 24% were medical.
"Abortion." Abortion. Wikipedia. 17 May 2007

abortion reasoning

A 1998 aggregated study, from 27 countries, on the reasons women seek to terminate their pregnancies concluded that common factors cited to have influenced the abortion decision were; desire to delay or end child bearing, concern over the interruption of work or education, issues of financial or relationship stability, and perceived immaturity.
This bar chart presents data from a 1998 AGI study on the motivating factors behind abortion around the world. Countries with the most complete sets of data are presented.
data from wikipedia

Abortion debate

Over the course of the history of abortion, induced abortion has been the source of considerable debate, controversary, and activism. An individual's position the complex, ethical morals, philosophical, biological, and legal issues is often related to his or her value system. Opinions of abortion may be best described as being a combination of beliefs on its morality, and beliefs on the responsibility, ethical scope, and proper extent of governmental authorities in public policy. Religious ethics also has an influence upon both personal opinion and the greater debate over abortion. Abortion debates, especially pertaining to abortion laws, are often spearheaded by advocacy groups belonging to one of two camps. In the United States, most often those in favor of legal prohibition of abortion describe themselves as pro-life while those against legal restrictions on abortion describe themselves as pro-choice. Both are used to indicate the central principles in arguments for and against abortion: "Is the fetus a human being with a fundamental right to life?" for pro-life advocates, and, for those who are pro-choice, "Does a woman have the right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy?"
In both public and private debate, arguments presented in favor of or against abortion focus on either the moral permissibility of an induced abortion, or justification of laws
permitting or restricting abortion. Arguments on morality and legality tend to collide and combine, complicating the issue at hand.

by wikipedia


first day of blog♡

from today we will start the blog with kana・sayaka・rina♡ we will discuss about ABORTION♥♥